
领导与教师教育系的使命是做好充分准备 合格的教师、行政管理人员、主管和其他专业人员的工作 many academic settings. Undergraduate students at the 十大玩彩信誉平台 可以获得理学学士学位(B.S.他获得了阿拉巴马州的教育学学位 小学教育、幼儿教育、中学教育乙级证书 教育与特殊教育. Students can also major in 幼儿研究.

该系提供教育硕士学位.Ed.)学位导致阿拉巴马州 艺术教育、教学领导、基础教育、 幼儿教育,外语教学,中学教育 and Special Education. 学生也可以得M.Ed. 教育管理 重点是高等教育的领导力. 该部门还提供教育 Specialist degree (Ed.S.) that leads to Alabama Class AA Certification in Early Childhood 教育,基础教育,教学领导,阅读专家,中学 教育,特殊教育和教师领导. 该部门还提供博士学位 of Education degree (Ed.D.教育领导学.


▼   Leadership and Teacher Education Student Awards 

OrsoDynae Orso was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 优秀的K-6教师教育学生教师. Orso获得了小学教育学士学位,并获得了P-3特殊证书 education and K-6 special education from the 十大玩彩信誉平台. Orso is from Mount Vernon, Ala., and decided to attend the South to be close to home.


CooperKayla Cooper was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 Outstanding Graduate Student in Elementary Education. 库珀在十大玩彩信誉平台获得了小学教育硕士学位. 她是第一代研究生,本科学历,现在是硕士学位 degree. Cooper plans to continue her education and pursue a doctorate degree. 

I love teaching. I am passionate about continuing to learn and better my field for my students. 我相信要做一个终身学习者. 我很幸运能拥有 Dr. Lauren Brannan for my undergrad degree and graduate school. She has always been 在我最初几年的教学中,他们对我非常有帮助. 在我的研究生学习期间,她也给了我很大的帮助 指导我上正确的课. 我努力做到热情和鼓舞人心 as Dr. 凯利·伯德在数学方面的表现. 我喜欢教数学,我真的相信 it is because of her.


TaylorLaura Taylor was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (M.Ed.). 泰勒在十大玩彩信誉平台获得了K-6特殊教育硕士学位 Alabama. During her time at South, Taylor served as a member of Future Educators of 美国,Kappa Delta Pi,全国大学学者协会和金钥匙国际 Honor Society. Taylor loves being an elementary resource teacher and eventually sees herself in a self-contained classroom or leadership position.

我选择在十大玩彩信誉平台学习,因为我想远离家乡,发展一些 独立,但离得很近,可以经常去看看. 我也很幸运能挣钱 来自南方的奖学金. I am passionate about Special Education because during my time student teaching I realized it was exactly where I was supposed to be. I enjoy 和我的学生建立关系,在学术上教他们,就像 people; it is also a welcome challenge to push myself to find new ways to meet their individual needs.


CrossJonathan "Todd" Cross was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education (Alt M.Ed.). 克罗斯在十大玩彩信誉平台获得了6-12年特殊教育硕士学位. 在南校期间,他是卡帕三角洲派荣誉协会的成员. He plans to pursue an administration certification in the future. 

搬到这个地区并想开始我的硕士学位后,我注意到了那里 were other options. But, with the reputation South has and many people that I respected professionally are USA alumni, choosing South was a very easy decision. I am passionate 和残疾人一起工作,因为我理解那种感觉 喜欢在学业上挣扎. I love being able to help students have the same opportunities 和他们的非残疾同龄人一样.


HareMolly Hare was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 优秀美国留学生. 获得了PASSAGE USA(为所有学生做好社会准备)的毕业证书 和学术有酬就业),一个为期两年的非学位证书课程. 这个项目是为那些需要额外支持才能在我们学校取得成功的学生而设计的 community. During her time at South, Hare served as a member of Civitan Club. She hopes to soon find a job working with kids or animals.

“美国通道”项目是为了让像我这样有特殊需要的人成为 尽可能独立,希望能独立生活,找到一份我喜欢的工作, or if not, then look for another, because I am capable.


EdmondsLydia Edmonds was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 优秀K-12领导力硕士生. 埃德蒙兹将获得十大玩彩信誉平台教育学硕士学位 July 2020. She is a math instructor and the IB coordinator for Davidson High School. 埃德蒙兹选择在十大玩彩信誉平台学习,因为那里既有面对面的教学,也有面对面的教学 and online options.


MarkerHeath Marker was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 Outstanding Higher Education Leadership Master’s Student. 马克获得了十大玩彩信誉平台高等教育领导硕士学位 Alabama. He works as an admissions officer at the University of West Florida.





Raven McShan was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 优秀中学教育学生教师. McShan earned a master’s in education from the 十大玩彩信誉平台. During 在十大玩彩信誉平台期间,麦克山是荣誉学院、阿贝尼福·郭和国立大学的成员 大学学者协会. 她曾担任2018-2019年诗歌编辑 甲骨文美术评论,2017-2019 V-Day的参与者,2019年的主讲人 荣誉学院毕业班展示. 

我听说了很多十大玩彩信誉平台这个教育项目的事情,并且有了一些积极的经历 来自南方的实习教师和教育工作者. 我妈妈是一名教育工作者,所以我能够 去见证教育者如何超越他们在课堂上的职责去创造 a change. 我也想成为一个变革者. 美国与莫比尔的教育有着紧密的联系 社区,并提供资源和网络的机会,设置他们的学生 up for success. In my experience, I felt much more prepared on an academic and pragmatic level because of my courses and internship through South. 


FaithCindy Faith was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 中学教育优秀学生. Faith获得了中学数学教育硕士学位 十大玩彩信誉平台. During her time at South, Faith served as a member of Kappa Delta和Kappa Phi. Faith currently teaches AP Calculus and Precalculus at Satsuma High School. She would like to pursue an education specialist degree, an educational doctorate degree or become National Board Certified.

我听说过很多十大玩彩信誉平台南方的好东西,所以当我决定攻读硕士学位时 in education, it was at the top of my list of schools to consider. When I found out about the Pathway to Mathematics Noyce program, the decision was made! Many students doubt their mathematical abilities or even believe they “can’t do math.” I believe 所有的学生都能学会数学,如果我们老师找到一种教学方法 这对他们来说是相关的,平易近人的,清晰的. 我对教数学充满热情 因为数学为学生打开了机会之门,我希望我的每一个学生 实现他们的全部潜力,这样他们就能追求那些机会 they so choose. There is no better way I could live out my love for learning, teaching, 数学,还有孩子,而不是当数学老师. 我现在就是上帝召唤我成为的那个人!


SharpGillianne Sharp was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 Outstanding Undergraduate Student K-6 in Teacher Education. 夏普在十大玩彩信誉平台获得了K-6教师教育学士学位. 在十大玩彩信誉平台期间,夏普是美国越野和田径队的一员, FCA和校园外展. Next, she plans to pursue her master’s in early childhood education. 

I originally came to South to run Cross Country and Track. 我发现我有愿望 to change my major to education, and was completely drawn into the program. I have always loved working with kids and working with students is even better. Being able 通过学术与学生建立联系是我拥有的最神奇的事情之一 ever experienced. Ms. Joan Holland was one of my first professors in the USA College 教育及专业研究学系. 她对学生有很高的要求 希望我们尽最大努力. 她允许我参加读书营 Fonde Elementary School with some of my fellow classmates. Although this was early on in my experience with the program, it was one to remember. It meant so much to 我需要她的信任、鼓励和爱,在经历之前、期间和之后.


SchlumphShawn Schlumpf was named the 2020 领导与教师教育学系 Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Special Education 6-12. 施伦普夫在十大玩彩信誉平台获得了特殊教育学士学位. During his time at South, Schlumpf worked with students in PASSAGE USA. 

我决定去南方,因为那里是我的家乡,而且人口大多数 我从小就向他们的校友学习.